Current Training Phase (May 2022)

Post-Activation Potentiation and Test Week

Throughout the current block, we’ve worked with what I call the seesaw method, varying high and low intensity sets and differing volume, to help prepare the body for our next block (Block VI) containing higher intensity (>85%) exercises followed by a biomechanically similar plyometric movement to have a post-activation potentiation (PAP) effect. In short, PAP is the heightened recruitment of muscle fibers and muscle force production which has a short-term increase in the performance of the following movement (i.e. the counter-movement jump we perform right after our front squat). The combination of the movements leads to an increase in the rate in which we can produce force or power.

Ample rest after the plyometric movement ensures each set is executed with the highest of quality and allows for the muscle adaptation. Take advantage of this increase in recovery time prescribed and try not to rush through the station. Volume during the second two giant sets at the dumbbell and turf stations will increase during this block to have a hypertrophic effect in the areas that we need work on.

Block VI will last four weeks, May 9-June 4, ending with a test week where we will test the front squat, bench, and deadlift.

Wyland, Timothy P.1; Van Dorin, Joshua D.2; Reyes, G. Francis Cisco1 Postactivation Potentation Effects From Accommodating Resistance Combined With Heavy Back Squats on Short Sprint Performance, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: November 2015 – Volume 29 – Issue 11 – p 3115-3123

Scott, David J.1; Ditroilo, Massimiliano2; Marshall, Phil1 Effect of Accommodating Resistance on the Postactivation Potentiation Response in Rugby League Players, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: September 2018 – Volume 32 – Issue 9 – p 2510-2520

Strokosch, A., Louit, L., Seitz, L., Clarke, R., & Hughes, J. D. (2018). Impact of Accommodating Resistance in Potentiating Horizontal-Jump Performance in Professional Rugby League Players, International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 13(9), 1223-1229

1RM Test Week

What is a 1-RM? 

You may have heard us in class talking about what percentage of weight you should be lifting! If you’ve never paid attention to this before, now is the time! Knowing what your one-rep max (1-RM) is helps you become more refined and accurate in your training program. 

During this test week, please remember the following:

1. If you are a newer member, or are simply uncomfortable with lifting this heavy, there will be an alternate program for you! Just like our usual classes that have multiple options each week. 

2. We are finding our training max, not a competition max. This means, we are looking for what maximum weight you can lift for one rep with close-to-perfect form. We are not professional lifters looking for a world record. Please remember safety comes first and that if you over-do it or your form breaks down, you will not have an accurate representation of your 1-RM. This could lead to poor technique and a higher risk of injury in your next training block. 

3. It’s okay if you don’t hit a new PR! While you have been dedicated in your training, life happens. Just remember that this is one data-point in your journey, and data leads to learning and growth!