Our Philosophy

Welcome to SLC Strength & Conditioning!

It is our mission to help you achieve your highest goals, physically and mentally, by providing the Salt Lake Valley with the most effective exercise and lifting facility in the state of Utah. We provide an experience unlike any other in the athletic industry, allowing our clients the freedom to come to a professional exercise facility and have choices of group fitness classes, personal training, or utilizing the gym on their own time.

Our unique programs are tailored to fit your needs and desired results and have strong emphasis on injury prevention, full body strength, core strength, functional movement, joint stability, bone health, weight maintenance/loss, and nutrition. We also offer programs that focus on functional ground based movement, power lifting, Olympic lifting and variations, suspension training, conditioning, and plyometric movements.

SLC Strength and Conditioning BASICs:

Become educated.

We are passionate about educating our clients and our community on proper weight lifting techniques, injury prevention, and nutrition. Get involved and stay engaged in your training, this will help you achieve your goals efficiently and effectively.

Always practice proper form with movement mechanics and weight lifting.

Injury prevention is necessary and sacrificing form and technique for weight and numbers will not be tolerated at our facility. Learning how to train properly will significantly decrease your risk for injury and will, alternatively, increase your strength and power, and aid in weight loss and body composition.

Safety is our number one priority at SLC Strength & Conditioning.

All training staff at SLC Strength & Conditioning must hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in a related field and hold advanced, nationally recognized, certifications. With the background and knowledge that each of our coaches bring to the facility, your safety while practicing weight lifting in our facility is not jeopardized.

Integration of smart lifestyle and nutritional choices.

In order to achieve your fitness goals, it is important that you maintain a healthy lifestyle. When you integrate smart choices into your daily routine, this will aid in your success and improve your health, overall. This could be something as simple as taking the stairs or cutting out that extra latte in the middle of the day. Let our expert Strength and Conditioning Specialists help you with this!

Come prepared and don’t compare yourself to others.

While training in our facility, it is necessary that you remain focused while lifting and always be aware of your surroundings– this includes having a balanced meal before training and staying hydrated throughout the day. Additionally, we do not promote a competitive environment between individuals. Instead, we encourage you to push yourself to new limits. Some exercises will enhance your strengths and others may put you in a compromised situation or injure you—listen to your body, if something doesn’t feel right, stop what you are doing and let us know. There are always modifications that we can make so that you can get the most out of your workout.

Following the SLC Strength & Conditioning BASICs will you help you stay focused and solidify your success. Additionally, we want to track your progress, and will perform regular check-ups as an added benefit to you.