August Newsletter (2022)

Happy August Everyone

Summer is almost over and we are getting ready for
back to school season.
We don’t know about you, but we’re looking forward to the cooler weather around the corner. 

In This Newsletter

Current Training Phase

Meet Our New Office Assistant

Current Training Phase

Training Block IX

Throughout Block IX, we will be limiting ROM (range of motion) with strategic pin placements while continuing our PAP (post-activation potentiation) through full range accessory movements.

To decrease ROM during squats, safety pins should be set to where the start position is a half-squat. For bench presses, the safety pins should be set approximately 3-5 inches above the chest. Starting the movement with a concentric action (raising the bar) while being able to reset and not endure the isometric action of each repetition allows individuals to continue truly training RFD (Rate of Force Development or Power) within their squat and bench press. This also means you are not utilizing the stored energy of the eccentric action (lowering of the bar).
This decrease in ROM will aid in relieving already stressed joints which is especially helpful as most individuals reach the peak of their summer season activities and sports.

With that being said, full ROM in the accessory movements is necessary to continue increasing elasticity and strength in the working muscles while also increasing rigidity and strength in the tendons/ligaments involved. Which leads to our PAP (post-activation potentiation). 

We will continue with our PAP progression within our deadlift variation. We will make increases in weight over the course of these four weeks followed immediately by a lower body plyometric movement(speed & force). This PAP effect, with a higher intensity in the deadlift, leads to an increase in performance in the explosive bodyweight movement that follows.

Mitter, B., Zhang, L., Bauer, P., Baca, A., & Tschan, H. (2022). Modelling the relationship between load and repetitions to failure in resistance training: A Bayesian analysis. European Journal of Sport Science, 1-11.
Nuckols, G. Bench Press Range of Motion: An Exception to the Principle of Specificity?.
Øvretveit, K., & Tøien, T. (2018). Maximal strength training improves strength performance in grapplers. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 32(12), 3326-3332.

Meet Our New Office Assistant

Danielle was born and raised in Utah. After spending two years in California earning an Associates Degree in Fashion Design, she decided to move home to be closer to the mountains.  Danielle and her husband, Ryan, started training at SLC Strength & Conditioning not long after it opened and have loved being a part of the community.
Since moving home from California, Danielle has enjoyed working with local businesses to help them operate efficiently and find different ways to implement organization. She’s excited to be a part of the team!

In her free time, you’ll find her chasing a toddler, laughing at her husband, sewing, or adventuring in the mountains.
You can reach out to Danielle with any questions at:

August Birthdays

Alyssa and Luke celebrated their birthdays over the weekend. Make sure you wish them a happy birthday while you’re in this week!
Ryan’s birthday is coming up on the 29th. Singing is encouraged.