Current Training Phase (April 2023)

As we transition out of a long winter, full of the associated sports and activities, we’re ready to start working in ways that support your summer activities and goals.  

The first 4 weeks of this phase are dedicated to creating foundational strength. This block is meant to meet everyone where they are, physically, and build. There will be an increase in range of motion and mobility, developing core strength, and focus on body positioning while lifting. We’re also introducing bands and chains on certain movements for accommodating resistance. We do this because bands and chains cause instability while lifting, leading muscles to fire at a higher capacity to restabilize. This is working with strategy and muscles are actually working harder than they would during a heavy lift (4,8).  

Weeks 5-10 will have a decrease in volume and increase in intensity for squat and bench press. This means we will be lifting heavier weight, building to a heavy (not max) week. Accessory lifts will be more unilateral, and we will be bringing back some harder progressions that have not been done for a couple years.  

“So be excited and also scared” – Steve 

During weeks 10-14, we will be decreasing squat and bench press to 80%-88% intensity. We do this because maximal strength is developed within this percentage range, based on Prilepin’s percentage chart. Fun fact, Prilepin was a Russian scientist who developed this chart in the 60s. As we decrease bench and squat, deadlifts and accessory movements will have an increase in intensity, or weight.  

To close out the training phase, weeks 15 & 16 will be focused on max testing. During week 15 we will prepare for Max Week by working up to heavy, single reps on squat, bench press, and deadlift. The following week will be max testing for individuals who would like to participate. If you do not want to work on max testing, no problem! There will be separate programming available during these two weeks.  

Remember, there is no extra credit for achieving max lifts. We care more about proper form and technique to prevent injury.  

 1-Fleck, S. J. (1999). Periodized strength training: a critical review. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 13(1), 82-89. 

 2-Kraemer, W. J., & Ratamess, N. A. (2004). Fundamentals of resistance training: progression and exercise prescription. Medicine & science in sports & exercise, 36(4), 674-688. 

 3-Turner, A. (2011). The science and practice of periodization: a brief review. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 33(1), 34-46. 

 4-Arazi, H., Mohammadi, M., Asadi, A., Nunes, J. P., & Haff, G. G. (2021). Comparison of traditional and accommodating resistance training with chains on muscular adaptations in young men. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 62(2), 258-264. 

5-Scott, D. J., Ditroilo, M., & Marshall, P. (2018). Effect of accommodating resistance on the postactivation potentiation response in rugby league players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 32(9), 2510-2520. 

 6-Kirby, T. J., Erickson, T., & McBride, J. M. (2010). Model for progression of strength, power, and speed training. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 32(5), 86-90. 

 7-Rhea, M. R., & Alderman, B. L. (2004). A meta-analysis of periodized versus nonperiodized strength and power training programs. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 75(4), 413-422. 

8- Ghigiarelli, J. (2006). The effects of a seven week heavy elastic band and weighted chain program on upper body strength and upper body power in a sample of Division 1-AA football players (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh).