Current Training Phase (October 2023)

Current training phase

Summer Phase 2 (Oct 2-23)

We have a few more months of summer and fall activities which means we also have, roughly, 3 months to prep for winter activities. When we plan our programming, we are always cognizant of training in a way that corresponds with our daily lives.  

Our next training phase will build off the power output we created over the summer and start developing unilateral strength. As we become more active, we can create some imbalances and this next phase is meant to restore that balance. There will also be a focus on full body strength, muscle hypertrophy, and body composition because we are always striving to develop all aspects of our body. With this approach, we can collectively improve strength, movement mechanics, injury mitigation, and overall health (2).  

You can expect to see: 

  • Periodization Schemes and influences
    • Triphasic approach, tier system, and autoregulation periodization schemes.
  • Progressions
    • Unilateral and more movement-based exercise selection
  • Training different ranges of motion
    •  Working quarter, half, and full motions of exercise

When working on our major lifts, we will emphasize proper form and technique as well as optimizing different ranges of motion (5). We will also be utilizing negatives or pauses to increase decelerative strength. This helps with acceleration and builds strength for muscles and ligaments (3). Implementing these techniques will work our weaker areas leading to more strength development in your lifts.  

Time to start prepping for Ski season! 


1-Rebelo, A., Pereira, J. R., & Valente-dos-Santos, J. (2023). Effects of a preseason triphasic resistance training program on athletic performance in elite volleyball players—an observational study. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research53(2), 163-170. 

 2-Appleby, B. B., Cormack, S. J., & Newton, R. U. (2019). Specificity and transfer of lower-body strength: influence of bilateral or unilateral lower-body resistance training. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research33(2), 318-326. 

 3-Cook, C. J., Beaven, C. M., & Kilduff, L. P. (2013). Three weeks of eccentric training combined with overspeed exercises enhances power and running speed performance gains in trained athletes. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research27(5), 1280-1286. 

 4-Pagaduan, J., Schoenfeld, B. J., & Pojskic, H. (2019). Systematic review and meta-analysis on the effect of contrast training on vertical jump performance. Strength & Conditioning Journal41(3), 63-78. 

5-Drinkwater, E. J., Moore, N. R., & Bird, S. P. (2012). Effects of changing from full range of motion to partial range of motion on squat kinetics. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research26(4), 890-896.